Penalties and Obligations: Rajasthan Real Estate Regulatory Authority's Action Against ACE Venture

Discover the intriguing case of Rajasthan Real Estate Authority's action against ACE Venture. Learn how penalties and obligations unfold in this riveting case study. #RealEstate #Rajasthan #Compliance

Penalties and Obligations: Rajasthan Real Estate Regulatory Authority's Action Against ACE Venture
Penalties and Obligations: Rajasthan Real Estate Regulatory Authority's Action Against ACE Venture

In the realm of real estate, compliance with statutory obligations is of utmost importance to ensure transparency and protect the interests of stakeholders. One such case involving the Rajasthan Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) and ACE Venture has come to the forefront. This article delves into the details of the case, shedding light on the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, the obligations of real estate promoters, and the consequences they face for non-compliance.

The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, commonly known as RERA, was enacted to establish a regulatory framework for the real estate sector in India. Its provisions are designed to safeguard the rights of homebuyers, promote fair practices, and ensure timely completion of projects. Compliance with these provisions is crucial for real estate promoters to maintain their reputation and credibility.

Background and Case Overview

The case at hand revolves around ACE Venture, a real estate promoter, and the actions taken by RERA. ACE Venture was issued a notice by RERA concerning their failure to upload Quarterly Project Reports (QPRs) on the Authority's web page for their project "Gokul Dham IV," which is registered under RAJ/P/2017/325.

Quarterly Project Reports (QPRs) serve as essential documents that provide insights into the progress of a real estate project. They include details such as the project's status, financial updates, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. ACE Venture's failure to upload these reports raises concerns about their adherence to their statutory obligations.

Statutory Obligations and Violations

Real estate promoters have certain legal obligations and duties imposed upon them by RERA. These obligations include filing prescribed returns and submitting Quarterly Project Reports (QPRs) to the Authority. By doing so, promoters ensure transparency, maintain accountability, and provide crucial information to homebuyers and other stakeholders.

In the case of ACE Venture, their failure to fulfill these statutory obligations is a clear violation of the Real Estate Act and the Rajasthan Real Estate Rules. Such non-compliance undermines the transparency and trust that RERA seeks to establish within the real estate sector. It is essential for real estate promoters to understand and meet their obligations to avoid penalties and legal consequences.

Imposition of Penalties

To address the violations committed by ACE Venture, RERA has imposed certain penalties. The first step taken by RERA is the immediate freezing of the Escrow Bank Account related to the project "Gokul Dham IV." This action ensures that the funds allocated for the project are safeguarded until the pending QPRs are uploaded.

In addition to freezing the Escrow Bank Account, RERA has imposed a penalty of Rs. 10,000/- per Quarterly Project Report (QPR) on ACE Venture. This penalty is in addition to the prescribed delay processing charges. These financial penalties aim to hold the promoter accountable for their non-compliance and encourage them to fulfill their obligations promptly.

Moreover, if ACE Venture fails to upload the pending QPRs within 30 days, there is a possibility that the Registry of the Office may take over the property of the project "Gokul Dham IV." This action underscores the seriousness of non-compliance and emphasizes the need for timely submission of required reports.

To address ACE Venture's failure to seek an extension for the project under Section 8 of the Act, the Registry of the Authority is directed to initiate appropriate proceedings. This serves as a reminder that promoters must adhere to all legal provisions and obtain necessary approvals to avoid penalties and potential legal actions.

Recovery of Penalties and Revocation of Registration

Recovery of the imposed penalties holds significant importance for RERA. In cases where a promoter moves an application for the revocation of project registration without paying the penalties, RERA ensures that such applications are not entertained. This step ensures that promoters cannot evade penalties by attempting to revoke their project registration without fulfilling their financial obligations.

Compliance with the imposed penalties and fulfillment of statutory obligations is crucial for real estate promoters. Failure to meet these requirements may lead to severe consequences, including revocation of project registration, loss of credibility, and legal actions.


The case study of RERA's action against ACE Venture sheds light on the importance of compliance with statutory obligations in the real estate sector. Real estate promoters must understand their legal duties, including filing prescribed returns and submitting Quarterly Project Reports (QPRs). Non-compliance can result in penalties, freezing of accounts, and even the takeover of project properties.

RERA plays a pivotal role in ensuring transparency and accountability within the real estate industry. By enforcing penalties and taking appropriate actions against violators, RERA strives to maintain trust between homebuyers and real estate promoters. Adhering to statutory obligations not only protects the interests of stakeholders but also fosters a healthy and vibrant real estate market.

As the real estate sector continues to evolve, it becomes imperative for all stakeholders to prioritize compliance and uphold the integrity of the industry. By adhering to the provisions set forth by RERA, real estate promoters can contribute to a transparent and thriving real estate market in Rajasthan.

Note: The information provided in this article about Rajasthan Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RRERA) is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal or professional advice and readers should consult qualified professionals for advice specific to their circumstances. The information provided in this article is based on the F.3(2082)RAJ/RERA/QPR/2022 before the Rajasthan Real Estate Regulatory Authority

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