Document Checklist for Registration under RERA Haryana

Discover how to successfully register real estate projects under RERA Haryana! Our latest guide outlines the essential documents and steps for compliance. Don't miss out on this crucial information. #RERAHaryana #RealEstateRegistration

Document Checklist for Registration under RERA Haryana
Document Checklist for Registration under RERA Haryana

When it comes to registering a real estate project as a promoter under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act (RERA) in Haryana, there are several essential documents and procedures that you must adhere to. We understand the significance of this process and have outlined a comprehensive guide to ensure successful project registration that adheres to RERA Haryana's requirements.

Document Checklist for Project Registration as a Promoter

1. Copy of License and Schedule of Land

The foundation of your project lies in the land it occupies. Provide a copy of the license for the land, accompanied by a schedule detailing its boundaries. This document is crucial in establishing the legal basis for your project.

2. Service Plans and Layout Plan

Highlight the services within your project by showcasing them on the layout plan. These service plans give potential buyers a clear understanding of the amenities available, contributing to the attractiveness of your project.

3. License and Collaboration Agreement Records

Ensure the proper recording of the license and collaboration agreement in the revenue records. This step solidifies the legal framework of your project and establishes its validity.

4. Latest Layout Plan for Plotted Colony

For plotted colonies, the latest layout plan must be provided. This plan should reflect the accurate demarcation of plots and other elements within the colony.

5. Demarcation and Zoning Plans

The demarcation plan outlines the physical boundaries of the project, while the zoning plan designates areas for specific purposes. These plans play a vital role in presenting a clear overview of the project's layout.

6. Approved Zoning Plan for Group Housing/Commercial Sites

In the case of group housing or commercial sites, include a copy of the approved zoning plan. This document showcases the sanctioned land usage for different sections of your project.

7. Last Approved Building Plans

Provide a complete set of the last approved building plans for the project. These plans highlight the architectural aspects of the development, illustrating its design and structure.

8. Cash Flow Statement

A detailed cash flow statement of the proposed project is required. This statement offers insights into the financial feasibility of the project, demonstrating its sustainability.

9. Certification from Chartered Accountant (CA)

Include a certificate from a Chartered Accountant certifying that the information provided in Form REP-I-CX is accurate as per the applicant's financial records. This certificate adds credibility to your application.

10. Non-Default Certificate from CA

Obtain a non-default certificate from a Chartered Accountant, further affirming the financial stability of the project and the applicant.

Real Estate Agent Registration Requirements

For those seeking registration as a real estate agent under RERA Haryana, specific documents and details are necessary:

1. Enterprise Details

Provide concise information about your enterprise, including its name, type (society, proprietorship, partnership, company), and registered address.

2. Registration Particulars

Share details of your registration, including bye-laws, articles of association, and memorandum of association. These documents establish the legal framework of your enterprise.

3. Personal and Contact Information

For individual agents, provide your name, address, photograph, and contact details. For other entities, furnish the same details for partners, directors, etc.

4. PAN Card Copy

Include a copy of your PAN card, a mandatory document that validates your tax identification.

5. Proof of Business Address

Submit a copy of proof indicating the address of your business premises. This document verifies the legitimacy of your business operations.


Registering a project as a promoter or as a real estate agent under RERA Haryana requires meticulous attention to detail and adherence to the specified documentation. By ensuring that you provide all the required documents and meet the regulatory criteria, you enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of your project or enterprise. This comprehensive approach not only facilitates a smooth registration process but also contributes to the success and positive reputation of your real estate endeavors.

Note: The information provided in this article about Real Estate Regulatory Authority  is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal or professional advice and readers should consult qualified professionals for advice specific to their circumstances.  

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